Enterprise Integrations

Enterprise Integrations circle graphic

Why partner with Bushel for your payment solutions?

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Move money within your existing UX/UI flows, maintaining your brand end-to-end

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Our team will carry you through the low-lift onboarding experience

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Our team provides support and insights to maximize retention, cross-sell and upsell opportunities

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Privacy and security is our top priority as data is encrypted and tokenized at rest and in transit

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Integrate and move money with four easy endpoints

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Cloud-based design that’s deployed and delivered to shorten implementation times and seamlessly expand to scale with usage and/or user

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Bushel Complies with SOC 2 standards

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Bushel will strategically collaborate and combine marketing forces to drive adoption and retention within your customer base

Code Screenshot from Bushel Developer Sandbox


Build a payment solution that meets your money movement needs

The Bushel Wallet Link API documentation will grant you the ability to connect your software to our financial platform to move funds for your approved business operations.

Get all your Bushel Wallet questions answered.